In the previous installment of our honeymoon travelogue, Cori and Ryan visit the robots. Prague was lovely, but we had places to be! The day we left Prague was a big day -- first we wanted to visit the BMW Welt in Munich, Germany. The Welt and the connected BMW Museum are pretty incredible. First of all, crazy interesting architecture! ... continue reading...
Honeymoon Travelogue: Potsdam, Wittenberg, and Prague
In the previous installment of our honeymoon travelogue, Cori and Ryan see Darth Vader. After Berlin, one of our friends who lives in Germany suggested we stop at the palace Sanssouci in Potsdam, Germany on our way to Prague. What gardens!! We decided not to go in, but spent a few hours wandering around the amazing gardens. After spending three days in a crowded city, it was nice to have some fresh air and peaceful surroundings. ... continue reading...
Honeymoon Travelogue – Berlin
In the previous installment of our honeymoon travelogue, Cori and Ryan get a yeti. Our time in Demark was short-lived -- after our trip to LEGOLAND, we hopped in the car and headed to Berlin. This was awesome because Ryan got to drive our new Volvo on the Autobahn when we entered Germany. Even though I later drove on the Autobahn, Ryan is definitely the best person to describe the experience. Here is how it went, in his own words: The Autobahn, a bucket list item, blew up all my ... continue reading...
Honeymoon Travelogue: Norway, Part 5 + Denmark
In the previous installment of our honeymoon travelogue, Cori and Ryan spend 40 minutes in a single tunnel. 40 minutes they will never, ever get back. After our fourteen-hour day on the motorcycle and waking up at 5:00am for our incredible hike, Ryan and I were glad to be on the last day of the motorcycle part of our trip. We both had a ton of fun on the bike, but were looking forward to returning to the comfort (and headed seats!) of our Volvo as we continued on our trip through ... continue reading...
Honeymoon Travelogue – Norway, Part 4
In the previous installment of our honeymoon travelogue, Ryan gets cozy with a pregnant troll. After spending our lavish night in Geiranger, we headed out toward our next stay, in Hafslo Norway. Knuten We climbed back out of the valley and took a few minutes to see Knuten ("knot"). This gravel road was built in 1882 and is still standing as is -- a perfect little 360 loop. It was originally built to gain height over a small area of difficult terrain. The new road skirts by it, but it was a ... continue reading...